Pledge to Fight Animal Abuse

A distressed newborn dairy calf is torn from his mother to spend his short life alone and confined to a veal crate. Separating babies from their moms is standard practice on factory farms.
Above: A distressed newborn dairy calf is torn from his mother to spend his short life alone and confined to a veal crate. Separating babies from their moms is standard practice on factory farms.
Photo: Jo-Anne McArthur / Animal Equality
The Humane League

Join the Movement


Join thousands of people who are uniting to fight cruelty and stand up to the world’s biggest animal abusers.

Distressed newborn babies torn from their moms; cages so small that animals can’t turn around for months; amputations without pain relief. These are just some of the horrors animals face in factory farms.

If you oppose cruelty, here’s the first truth the food industry doesn’t want you to know: Behind closed doors, animal agribusiness has turned itself into the single greatest cause of animal cruelty on the planet.

You could be put in prison if you did these things to your pet. But wealthy food industry giants have cheated the system to give themselves a free pass to burn, mutilate, confine, and ultimately kill millions of sensitive cows, pigs, chickens and other animals—today, tomorrow, and every day of the year—unless we stop them.

The second truth that food giants don’t want you to know is that caringpeopleallovertheworldarealreadydisruptingthisbrutalindustry. That’s because these greedy corporations have a weakness: exposure. It’s the reason why factory farms don’t offer public tours and slaughterhouses don’t have glass walls. People would be horrified to see animals endure extreme cruelty—animals who feel fear and pain just like dogs and cats do.

This is your invitation to disrupt the cruelest industry on Earth—to stand on the right side of history for animals. Together we can continue to force global food giants to confront cruelty, not hide it. We can mend this broken food system. And we can change the lives of millions of animals this year alone—with your help.

If you believe all animals deserve a life worth living then sign the pledge now and take the first step. Join thousands of people who are uniting to fight cruelty and stand up to the world’s biggest animal abusers.


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The Humane League

We exist to end the abuse of animals raised for food. But we can’t do it without you.

Unless otherwise noted all imagery of factory farms on this site is representative of typical conditions.